
Disclaimer: The links below are provided as a service to the visitors of our website. The presence of these links on our site is not to be viewed as our endorsement of the content of these sites or their sponsors.

John Hoffman Obituary - At the request of friends, Mary and the Zack's. John's Oibtuaury at Matinchek funeral Middletown PA.

Church of God Network  - A site that's helping to build community within the Church of God and allows connecting with other Churches of God congregations that share the same core beliefs. You may find some Churches/congregations not listed on their map and some you not have been aware of.

Christian Book Distributors - A good source for bibles, books, movies and music

Legacy Institute - Educational, cultural and humanitarian activities, mostly in SE Asia

COG Cincincinnati/Lexington Winter Tournament - (New web page) Seminars, services, sports and more

LifeResource Ministries - Helping congregations and especially their children, to grow

Pleasant Hills Christian Church - Church of God (7th Day) Congregation in Harrisburg, PA

Rick Marks - Music CD - "Music Lasts A Lifetime"

Sowers of the Seed - Delivering information, resources and services to enrich Bible study

The Seventh Day Video Series - Seventh day (Sabbath) history, by the late James Arrabito, 5 videos narrated by Hal Holbrook.

A Faithful Version - The Original Bible Restored (orginal manuscript order), includes commentary and appendices, with audio reading & search options. You can buy a hard copy of this Bible from the sponsor, also available on a set of CD MP3 audio disks (just came out with this); also for your digital device; PDF, Kindle, & other readers. FREE DOWNLOADABLE APP AVALABLE FOR YOUR ANDROID or APPLE device, with the audio reading available through a web connection. (Note: THERE NOW IS AVAILABLE "A FAITHFUL VERSION" module, free for use with "The Word" and the "E-Sword" bible programs for your Windows or Mac computers.)

Blue Letter Bible - A good source for all Bible translations & reference books online, all searchable, mobile apps

(Free) Bible Software "The Word" - A very useful Bible program for your PC, excellent features, easy to use, other Bible translations can be added then what comes with the software (see their web site)